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Our Curriculum

Early Years Foundation Stage


We strongly believe that children learn best through play. We aim to provide planned, purposeful play experiences under the areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance. We try to make Nursery as much fun as possible and include visits; visitors and dressing up days to do so.


'Play is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind can unfold.'

Joseph Chilton Pearce


We display the planning on the wall by the Nursery door so you can see the activities on offer each week.  It also shows what we hope the children will learn and what songs we are singing, so you can talk to your child and reinforce the learning at home and even sing the same songs! We value parents contributions so please tell us what your child has been playing with at home so we can use this information in our planning.

'Play is the highest form of research'

Albert Einstein

Below are 2 guides that will tell you more about the Early Years Foundation Stage
