We like parents/carers to be as much part of Nursery School as their children and value parents/carers as the main educators and would like to work with in partnership with you to share in your child's learning.
Below are a few suggestions of how to get involved-
- We always welcome any parents, grandparents or carers who have a skill they would like to share with the children. Please talk to us about potentially volunteering to help with cooking or gardening, for example. Or maybe you are musical and would like to support our Big Sing sessions?
- As a maintained local authority school, we have a governing body, just like all primary and secondary schools. If you would like to be more involved in strategic decisions for the school, how about getting involved as a Parent Governor?
- Share your skills with the children and staff, we value visitors to the nursery to talk about their job roles (Are you a mechanic, hairdresser, nurse, police officer, fire fighter, baker?) or can you help us celebrate Festivals or special times of the year ?(by bringing in food, clothes or special objects to show). These visits are very short, relaxed and informal.
- Help during our Forest School sessions.
- Volunteer to help with our on-site Toy Library or at our Stay and Play sessions.
- Support the nursery at home, by collecting old newspaper, spare clothes and materials for junk modelling etc. (see App for items wanted).
- Attend and support our ‘Special days’, fund raising, trips and walks.
Why get involved? Apart from the fact it’s fun and rewarding, studies show family involvement in education improves outcomes for children.