The simplest answer to this question is comfortable old clothes.
Please keep children's best clothes safely at home.
We actively encourage the children to explore and get deeply involved in their play. They will get wet and messy. The freedom to get messy is very important; getting elbow deep in water, paint, and lots of other things, plays a vital part in children's learning and development. Even learning to wash your hands can be a soggy event when you are two!
We are always happy to dry off and change children to ensure they are warm and comfortable.
- Clothes that the children can move around and climb in are a must, both for freedom to move and safety whilst doing so.
- Clothes the children can attempt to manage by themselves are very helpful; such as velcro fastening shoes (much safer than laces at nursery) and track suit bottoms. These help develop independence skills and self-confidence and are particularly helpful when children are learning to use the toilet. We are always there to help children if they need us.
- A few layers we can put on or take off - Our door to the garden is always open and although we have a good 'weather curtain' to keep us warm, the children are in and out to the garden all the time and the weather often changes during a session.
- Weather appropriate clothes - Please send hats and gloves during cold weather and a sun hat during hot weather. Children are welcome to wear their own wellies to nursery on rainy days. There is no need to send their shoes too as they can just slip their wellies off for comfort if they want to. Our floors and rugs are all washable so we don't have to worry too much about a bit of mud.
- We have a good supply of wellies and puddle suits in nursery for wet play or if the weather changes during a session but they will still need their own coat. Please bear in mind that sometimes children prefer to use their own things.
- During warm weather it is very important that you apply sun-cream before coming to nursery.
Please, please do not send your child in skinny jeans. They prevent children moving freely when running and climbing (children have even had difficulty sitting down in them) and stop children from gaining independence when learning to use the toilet. Even staff have a struggle to squeeze children back into them when changing nappies at times.
We have lots of spares of everything if they are needed. If your child comes home in any of nursery's clothes please just wash and return to us as soon as you can.