Whether you choose to send your child in the mornings or afternoons, both sessions follow a similar pattern:
- Children arrive and are greeted by their Key Person
- Choosing Time: children choose to play inside or outside
- Big Sing – we all sing together and learn a repertoire of songs and nursery rhymes over the course of the year (10 minutes)
- Small adult-led Group Time (15 minutes)
- Choosing Time: children choose to play inside or outside
- Tidy Up Time: we all help tidy up together
- Healthy snacks and milk or water to drink are available throughout each session, which children access independently.
- Home Time - we finish the session by gathering the children who are going home together, sharing our experiences from the session and maybe a story or a song
For children who are staying all day, we tailor afternoon group time activities to suit their needs and requirements.
- Lunchtime - families provide a packed lunch for children. We aim to provide a family atmosphere at lunchtime, with an opportunity to play outside after children have finished eating.