We are recipients of a Healthy school Award and support children to eat healthily in a variety of ways:
Snacks – we offer a “rolling” snack each day which children access independently. Snack items are usually fruit and vegetables or other healthy items, such as breadsticks. Children can have a drink of water or milk whenever they would like.
Lunches – children who are attending for a full day bring in a packed lunch. We encourage parents to provide healthy options and can offer suggestions. We provide milk or water for children to drink with their lunch.
Gardening – we have recently upgraded our allotment with the provision of a number of raised beds for growing our own fruit and vegetables. The children are actively involved in this, which supports them to learn where their food comes from and encourages them to have a go at eating it.
Cooking – we cook healthy recipes regularly with groups of children using produce from our raised beds wherever we can. Children get to take what they have cooked home to share with their families and we’ll also post our recipes on our app for you to try at home.