WIncKS is the Warwickshire Inclusion Kite Marking Scheme, awarded to providers that have demonstrated excellent inclusive practice in supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families. The award recognises and celebrates high quality SEND provision in Warwickshire’s pre-school settings. Nurseries or childminders need to have a good or outstanding Ofsted rating to qualify for a WIncKS award. Nurseries must evidence that they meet the set criteria; both provision and staff are observed by the IDS team (Integrated Disability Service) who then decide whether to award the kite mark. WIncKS also aims to raise the profile of award winners with families looking for inclusive 0 - 5 settings. The award was developed by parents and professions, and is led by Warwickshire Integrated Disability Service
At Warwick Nursery School we are proud to have been awarded the Warwickshire Inclusion Kite marking Scheme for the second year running. This shows that we welcome children with additional needs and disabilities and strive to do everything we can to ensure they feel happy and supported at Nursery School and can play, learn and make progress.
If you feel your child has any additional needs please contact Nursery School; our qualified and experienced SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator) would be happy to talk to you.