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What is in the Nurture Nursery environment?

The Nurture Nursery environment has been designed to allow children to have safe access to all resources. This means they are able to play with as little adult interference as possible, giving a real sense of freedom and supporting the healthy development of independence, creativity and confidence.


Inside we have two main play areas; the first being home to our broad range of resources for painting, water play, sand play and a wide variety of mark making, messy play and sensory activities - although these activities often take place all over Nurture Nursery. Our adjoining large playroom is for all forms of play and exploration. We have a home corner, babies and simple dressing up items, a bird watching area, a very cosy quiet area, books, books and more books, open areas for general play with a broad range of resources including small world, construction and ‘loose parts’. This is where we do lots of dancing and singing (we have a huge playlist on our ipod with music of every variety). Singing and dancing tends to happen everywhere too.


Outside in our beautiful garden all these options are reflected for those who prefer to play in the fresh air. We also provide a slide and climbing frame, a lawned area with a very useful slope, large boards for painting and mark making, a wide range of cars, bikes and rockers. There are canopied sheltered areas and child sized gazebos for quiet play. The garden is well resourced with buckets, spades and everything children need to expand their play and follow out their plans, ideas and explorations.


The children are eager to explore all things natural in the garden and being right in Priory Park means we get so many wonderful opportunities to see lots of birds and animals and the seasons in action.


We do lots of gardening and have watering cans, a water butt that the children love learning to use, along with a wide range of plants for the children to explore and stimulate all their senses.


Each area has a selection of labelled drawers and shelves of resources that the children can choose from. This gives a real sense of independence as they learn where things are and they can find items to extend their own play ideas or choose to return to activities they have particularly enjoyed.


All areas are completely adaptable and change according to the children’s needs and interests; for particular activities, or at different  times of year.


 Every area is safety checked each day.
